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Catawba worm trees

QuestionI have two catawba worm trees, each about 15 tall and about 8 years old. When I was a kid, we always fished with these worms, however, I have not seen a single worm on these trees. They bloom and get bean po

established tree

QuestionHello Mr Hyland, My question is about clarifying when is a tree considered established? We planted an Edith Bogue Magnolia tree in the Fall of 2009. How often do we water? We live in Bucks County PA, n

pine cones

QuestionOur ponderosa pine trees in northern Calif. have produced the largest number of pine cones this spring than ever in my 58 years of living here. What could cause such an unusual event? The cones appear

Dogwood pruning

QuestionI have a dogwood tree planted fairly close to the end of my driveway. It was there when I bought the house. Over the past 10 years it has been growing nicely and is beautiful in bloom. Unfo

growing a willow from an older tree

QuestionThere is an aged willow that has a significant connection to my family historically. I would like to grow a descendant from the original tree in a different local. can this be done and how. Thank You. Answe

Massive oak tree maint

Questioncentral texas,15 ft circumference double trunk. this tree has brush, cedars, misc trees growing into its drip line, I am clearing it out and one limb I supported with a pipe because its prob 15in dia and run

Laurel Oak

QuestionWhat kind of roots does the Laurel Oak have? Do the roots go out or is it a ball? Does the tree blow over easily? AnswerThey have lateral roots that will extend out about 1 1/2 times the width o

Tree Tops

QuestionI dont see that you specifically answer questions on logging, but maybe you can help send me in the right direction. We are currently having about 10 acres logged in west Tennessee, mostly white oak, t

nectarine and peach trees

QuestionQUESTION: I planted a nectarine tree ( i think its a nectarine but it might be a plum) but in any case its only about 10 ft from an indoor pool. As a new gardener it never occurred to me till now that

Blue Spruce tree root system

QuestionWe own a beautiful Blue Spruce that is needing to have the mounded area cut down as much as possible. It is about 16 yrs old, about 16 tall. Want to cut about 1-2 foot away (if possible)from the root system

Rootstock for Acer pseudoplatanus var brilliantissimum

QuestionI bought a small tree of Acer pseudoplatanus var brillinatissimum which didnt do very well- the buds would open but the leaves didnt develop properly and shrivelled. Spraying with insecticide and fungicide m

Beetle infestation and the fungus that is accompanied

QuestionI live in the eastern foothills of Colorado. The beetle kill is slowly moving towards our area. In an attempt to mitigate this damage, we as a HOA are looking for ways to hopefully limit this. I was wonderin

Young Maple, damaged by idiot landscaper

QuestionIm an expert in another category. I have a young Maple tree, planted when I moved into my present home 6-1/2 years ago. Last summer I discovered that my FORMER landscaper had injured this tree wi

Oak Tree with spongy area

Question Oak Tree w/soft spongy We have a very old oak tree in our back yard that appears healthy. We noticed a spongy area on the trunk where the bark has fallen off. (See attached pictures.) Can you tell wha

transplanting pecan tree

QuestionI want to share a few pecan trees that the squirrels thought I needed with a friend. One of the trees is six feet tall, the others smaller. I live in southeastern Va and I know this is not the ideal time to

Maple Sap

QuestionIs there something I can or should be doing to slow/stop excessive sap from our Maple tree? It is so bad that we need to wash our cars just about every day. Any advise will be appreciated. Thank

chilean mesquite bark

QuestionIn southern Arizona, I planted an approximate 5 ft tall Chilean mesquite two weeks ago. Noticed today that rabbits are eating the bark on one side of the tree only, thus far. It is peeled a

Black Walnut Tree- Leaf Disease?

Question Black Walnut Leaves Jim, Our Black Walnut tree, planted in the desert of AZ, has developed little red and green growths growing on the leaves. They almost look like a flower bud and are soft if you b

cherry blossom tree all leaves eaten

QuestionMy cherry blossom tree bloomed as usual this spring but after the blooms had fallen we noticed that every leaf had been eaten by some kind of bug. Each leaf was eaten to the stem...nothing left What could h

diseased oak tree

QuestionIt is autumn in South Africa %26 my beautiful oak trees leaves are infected with a black fungal (?)disease. In fact, the wall %26 paving around the tree are also turning black. There is a tacky gum-like subs

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