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chinese dogwood - fertilizing

QuestionLocation - 55+ active adult community in PA Poconos Many Chinese dogwoods 7 - 8 tall planted about 3 years ago, all pretty healthy. Fertilizer - what kind, how much, how often. Many people here use HollyTone

Watering trees.

QuestionHello Jim. I have about 10 different species of trees in my 1 1/2 acre yard (I love trees). Every single tree in my yard is covered with about a 4 inch layer of mulch. I live in Southern California (High Des

killing tree seedlings

QuestionWe have thousands of weed/volunteer trees growing in a large area of rock in the back yard. What is the best way to kill them? I have heard that spraying them with Roundup using a hand sprayer mi

woodpecker ? holes in a pear tree

QuestionHi. I have a customer with a similar problem of holes in their bradford pear. The holes are almost perfect in size and shape and in concentric circles around the tree. is this a woodpecker? The damage seems

misquite tree replanted

QuestionThank you for your help thus far.The tree is back up, one root would not go back down. I surrounded the tree with decorative landscape stones and topped the natural rocky desert type soil with 3 bags (2 cubi

Crabapple Tree Problems

QuestionHi: I planted two Royalty Crabapple trees in my backyard along with a weeping Crabapple (not sure of name). The weeping crabapple and one of the Royalty crabapple trees has bloomed but very little. The oth

Borer Worms

QuestionI have 4 young maples and they are getting little holes around the trunk of the tree. Is this Boer worms and how do I get rid of them. Im just sick over this! Mary AnswerSounds like sapsuckers w

bore holes in pine trees

QuestionI have noticed prefectly round half inch bore holes in my 30 foot tall pine trees. Could they be carpenter bees and if so how do I get rid of them? If not what can it be? AnswerIF these holes ar

Tree bark splitting

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I live in central Alberta Canada and in cold hardi zone 3a. I have planted a weeping crab, mayday, and princess kay plum last summer and fall and started noticing very small striations running

wheeping cherry trees

Questionare the cherries safe to eat and what else can you do with the fruit thank you AnswerWeeping cherry trees are considered ornamental flowering trees. The cherries they produce are not for eating. They are ta

maple bark

QuestionI have a coral bark maple that has been shedding its bark at the base. I thought at first it was deer rubbing but it has continued. The foliage is great and the branches look good. It does form a pedicule (?

Southern Magnolia Recovery from Snow Damage

Question Southern Mag My wife and I live in Wilmington, DE and experienced record snowfall this winter. The majority of the accumulation came from 2 separate storms. The first was very cold and a dry sno

What is bt insectiside

Questionour trees, fruit, rose bushes but apple trees are fine. They are getting eaten by 1 x 1/8th inch green worm/caterpillar. What can we do? Is BT a solution? If so, where can you buy it?

cypress knee beach area

QuestionI live along a Florida lake and have several Cypress trees on the beach area. How do I keep weeds and plant growth out of this area? Also how many knees can I cut off before it may harm the trees. These are

Emerald cedar tree

QuestionWhat should be done to prevent the cedar from getting two main branches? My cedar looks like it has two peaks. AnswerIt sounds like the tree is a forked tree. This is genetic and IF the tree is young

transplanting a seedling

QuestionI live in the northeast. I have a JM seedling that has been under my big Japanese Maple tree for about 3 years now. It has only grown to about 10 inches with about 15 leaves on it now. I want to keep it and

Round, soft white sphere on oak tree

QuestionQUESTION: Hi Jim I live in Okatie South Carolina, about 8 miles from the Georgia border...about 20 miles from the ocean. There is a round, white, soft sphere about the size of a golf ball attached to the ti

daisy trees

Questioni got my grandma a daisy tree for mothers day. do we need to trim it? and is there any special food we need to give it? AnswerThe plant gets its name from the daisy-like flowers that it produces through the

Willow trees

QuestionHi Jim, please tell me the difference between : Weeping willow Salix Blanda and Weeping Willow Salix Babylonica I am so confused with this. Are they t

peticole borer

Questioni have a maple that drops leafs in the spring due to the borer..my question is can any kind of killer be placed on the ground below the tree to kill the sawfly once it leaves the peticole and its on the grou

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