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cork screw willow

QuestionWhen is best time to start branch is water, spring or fall. And how to care for it at 1st planting? I live in SE Missouri. AnswerThe spring is best. After the cutting has a good bit of roots on

pruning?saving Sand Cherry Purple Leaf Trees

Questionw wilson sand cherry p QUESTION: Dear Jim, I need help! I have just now planted 2 SAND CHERRY PURPLE LEAF TREES. the challenge was they had been on our back porch in (2 gal.) containers for 2 years a

Bartlett Pear Tree

QuestionHi Jim, We live in Birmingham, AL. We had a very large Bartlett pear tree in our front yard which was obstructing the sun and visibility in our yard. Yesterday, we had someone out who cut down the tree

Norfolk pine tree care

QuestionI have a potted Norfolk pine tree that I move outdoors, to the deck, for the summer season. The tree has grown a lot this summer and is almost 8 ft high now. I live in Ellisville, MS which is sou

oak tree with partially hollowed trunk

QuestionI have just been told by my association that an oak tree at the top of my property at the edge of the road is going to be cut down because it is dead. In fact, it has stood there since I bought the house in

cutting pine trees & replanting another tree

QuestionWe recently cut down two pine trees in our front yard. First, we would like to know the best way to get rid of the stump & kill the root. Also, we want to plant two new oak trees about the same a


QuestionI have a maple tree that has suckers (little off shoots with leaves all over the trunk) and it looks like it is killing the tree. What could it be and should I do anything to help it or get rid of them

newly found pear tree with ants/rotten bark

QuestionQUESTION: I found a pear tree in my yard in Gloucester, Virginia, in the midst of a lot of bushes and plant debris...I removed the bushes and found this rather old pear tree infested with vines and as I pull

Topping of aspens

QuestionToday, our city came to top our 14 aspens which were getting too tall and heading toward a power line on the property line. We were given very little choice and now the trees are most likely ruined. &n

hawthorn tree

QuestionMy wife and I are planning to plant a Hawthorn tree and would like to know if it is a center tapped root tree. Because we would like to plant it close to our new patio and we dont want to have a tree w

ash tree aphids

QuestionJim, I have 5 10-12 ft ash trees which I treated in summer of 2007 for wooly aphids. I used a systemic insecticide which worked well for over 1 year. This fall, after about 75% of the leaves yellowed and fel

privacy trees

QuestionQUESTION: I just bought a house and am lookin for a fast growing tolerant privacy tree. Our property is considered sandy, what would you suggest. I have looked at the Thuja tree and it said

transplant frazier fur trees

QuestionI just moved 12 medium size furs on oct 18 should I be concerned? AnswerNo they should be fine. Evergreens are best moved earlier in the Fal than hardwoods and before the hardwoods drop their leaves and bef

berries on oak trees?

QuestionI live in Central Texas and have several trees on our property that I think are some type of scrub oaks. Several of the trees have something that looks like a berry sitting on the leaf. They are

cypress stump

Questionmy neighbor has a large cypress tree on the other side of our fence, the tree stump are appearing in our yard and are growing up preety large. Iam worried the are damaging our house foundation and scar

planting willow tree

QuestionWe recenlty purchased a golden weeping willow tree and are trying to decide where to plant it. I had picked out a good spot about 20 feet to the east of our house. My only concern is it might be

Help Identify Tree

QuestionQUESTION: I found a tree behind our house in Greenville SC. It has rough bark, simple oval leaves about 3-4 long and small dark bluish/black berries. They look similar to blueberries, but more oval shape. Th

squirrels denuding tree in back yard

QuestionWe have a chinese (japanese ??) elm in our back yard and squirrels have been biting off the ends of limbs for about two weeks. It makes a mess on the ground that has to be raked up and disposed of. Can you e

Drainage pipe

Question Tree The water drainage pipe from my home needs to be replaced since it is clogged. The pipe runs about 8-12 underground and about 3 feet from a large maple tree (the trunk is about a foot thick). &nb

relocating a semi-draft moonglow pear tree in my yard


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