QuestionQUESTION: I have reasons for wanting to plant a small willow tree (either a weeping willow or a weeping pussy willow) in a spot that gets direct sun only 2-4 hours a day, while getting a fair amount of indir
Questionplease tell me the plant parasites that grow on a live oak besides mistletoe. AnswerMistletoes is about the only true plant parasite on live oak. Spanish moss, Ball moss and lichens are sometimes classified
QuestionHow do we stop a sassafrass tree stump from sending out shoots all over our lawn. The tree was cut down about 2 years ago. AnswerYou will need to treat the foliage of the sprouts with a herbicide that
dwarf cherry tree planting depth
QuestionCan a white gold dwarf cherry survive in a location where bedrock is 18 inches below the soil surface? The final height of the tree should be 10-12 feet tall. Does this species have a tap root that needs a d
Questionwe would like to transplant some small maple and elm from are woods,there only maybe 1 to 3 feet tall. can we plant them in pot for over the winter months and plant next spring, or is it better to transplant
QuestionI have 5 leeland cypress trees (6ft) they were lush and beautiful, planted 4-08. I live 30 miles north of Galveston and left for 36 hrs, for the hurricane. Upon returning, the cypress were leanin
Questioni was wondering if this time of year is good for planting cedars shrubs? if so i do i maintain them so they will live and another help you could give me. thanks for your time PS i live in Central Alber
Question2 questions: 1) when do I prune weeping cherries and how? 2)Ive allowed a sucker limb growing straight up to reach a size about 2 1/2 thick because of not knowing what it is. Will I damage the tree if
QuestionIs there any way to get rid of borers in trees other than using chemicals. We have kept our garden and property organic here in So. Jersey for a long time and would like to keep it that way. AnswerNon
Arbovitae Trees with brown, dying patches
QuestionWe have an eighteen year old privacy stand of Arbovitae trees that are turning brown or dying in patches all over the 20 ft. high trees. What could some of the reasons that cause this condition.. AnswerHere
QuestionWill the roots of a river birch tree affect the foundation of my house if planted to closely. If so what should I do since the trees are full grown now? AnswerNo. As far as the root system the root may not
QuestionWhat is rock cane sugar, how is it processed and is molassas made from it, or is it made from molassas? AnswerRock sugar is a form of sugar composed of very large sugar crystals. You may also hear rock suga
I have a 8-10 Red Sunset Maple
QuestionThe Red Sunset is in the ground, and i would like to move it to a new location. I am in southeastern Pa. Do I have to wait till it drops the leaves before I dig it? AnswerDeciduous trees may be
QuestionJim, We planted a young Saucer Magnolia in the spring. Two days ago the local deer had a field day on the tree. They stripped the bark from four of the main leaders and in the process removed abo
Sugar Maple Tree sugar production
QuestionFor my Biology class, I need to know how much sugar a maple tree produces. Ive looked a lot on the Internet, and I cant get a straight answer!! I hope you can help! Thank you! AnswerApproximately forty year
QuestionHi Jim, I recently purchased a healthy 3 year old Acer Japonicum Green Cascade, about 4 foot tall, and planted it out in my garden, only to come home and find that my pet cockatoo had stripped a 1 1/2 cm x
QuestionWe live in the Easteren Panhandle of WV, have alot of walnut trees in back yard. My dog, age 11 mos. loves to use the nuts as balls, carries them in his mouth and then my husband kicks them and he chas
QuestionIs there any kind of spray to keep fruitless trees from bearing fruit. The Plums on mine were about cherry size. A person at the golf course said someone told him the had to spray his every other year when h
Cypress Knee between foundation
QuestionQUESTION: I am looking at a house to purchase. I noticed a very small cypress knee coming up between the foundation of the house and the patio cement slab next to the back of the house. The very
Oak Fungus on Post Oak Trees in the Austin, Tx Area
QuestionNear Austin, Texas a large post oak had a white growth that looked look a brain coral growing on a dead branch about 15 foot in the air. The dead branch was about 5 inches in diameter and from the brok
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