QuestionI would like to know if there is such a thing as a miniature dogwood tree. I live in New Jersey and would like to keep a small dogwood tree, in a large pot, on my balcony. AnswerThere is a couple of d
QuestionI have a row of pine trees at the front of my property I noticed what looked like a dead branch after closer inspection I found that the new growth is dead and hanging like a pine cone. Some of the bra
QuestionHi Jim, I read your Subject: Oak Tree yellow leaves, and wondered Is it possible to put too much iron/sulfur on a tree? I have about 7 (seven) Pin oaks with anemia and for the last two years Ive tried eve
QuestionIm having a dead 60 ft. cottonless cottonwood tree taken down and wonder if its okay to use the wood chips from it as mulch? Ive been told that it might not be a good idea due to bugs possibly munching
QuestionWhen I hull the walnuts, and some are really black, there are these maggot looking worms inside - what are they? AnswerWALNUT HUSK MAGGOT,RHAGOLETIS SUAVIS (LOEW) AND WALNUT HUSK FLY,RHAGOLETIS COMPLETA CRE
QuestionAloha, Jim! My mother lives in Columbia, SC and has two large magnolia trees in the small front yard. Underneath, the area is bare and unsightly. What can I do to make the area neater and more attractive? Is
Cedar trees dropping excesive sap
QuestionQUESTION: I live outside Placerville, CA. We have many cedar trees, (10 or so), and some of the needles are turning brown. My concern is that for about 2 months now, they all are dropping LOTS of
QuestionQUESTION: I rent. About five years ago, my landlord planted a sour cherry tree. I do not know what variety it is, exactly. It had been doing well, although the fruit seemed to start to ro
QuestionMy mom bought a crypt myrtle tree in Arkansas and brought it to Michigan. She put it in a pot and has moved it in and out of the house for the last tree years, but the tree does not bloom. It sta
repairing damage on japanese maple tree trunk
Questionwe recently purchased a piece of property and had to transplant a 4 japanese the process we damaged the bark on it about 2 up...3/4 of the way around...What do we do to repair it, or what would yo
2nd time about cottonwoods, I have photos!
Question What are these? Hello again, I told my husband about writing you and he wanted me to attach photos. So he found another leaf while raking from our leaf miner infestation and wanted to pho
QuestionWe have an older Japanese Maple tree that gets full sun yet for this year and last, has a green mold growth on the bark of the tree including the branches. I used a hose to get rid of most of it. We j
QuestionHI! We live in Orlando, FL and have a live oak in our front yard. I LOVE the shade, but the front patio is cracking and walkway has been raised up probably 2-3 inches since we moved in two years ago. My husb
Southern Magnolia, Edith Bogue/Brown Velvet Follow -- Up..
QuestionQUESTION: To whom can answer my questions, it is greatly appreciated as I searched far and wide with no success. I have a good feeling about this site! Anyway, I recently (in early july) bought and planted
QuestionYesterday I asked a question about a cottonwood problem. You sent an email saying you answered my question and to look on this site...but there is no answer to my question on this website. What gives? Help.
Need advice to cut dogwood tree
QuestionI am our church property chair person. Last fall someone trimmed our dogwood. This year about 1/3 of the top branches did not come back. He may have thinned out the deadwood but I dont know
QuestionIn regards to your response on the cedar rust fungus on Washington Hawthornes - if your tree is exhibiting the fungus today ( late summer/early fall) is there anything we should do to the parts of the tree e
QuestionWe have two 7 yr old Dawn Redwoods. One is robust, green and healthy while the other has minimal leaves and a brownish color. The problem may be due to a continuous problem with nutsedge weeds ar
killing china berry tree and all the babies
QuestionWe had to cut down a China Berry tree due to insect infestation. Now it wont stop growing out of any part of the root. I have sprayed Roundup on it several times, but I still get bunches of littl
QuestionI have two holes in a large oak tree on a hill behind my cabin. the holes are about 4 inches in diameter and a crack about 3 ft long. I havent looked inside the holes yet (but will when I get up
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