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catawba tree and their worms

QuestionMr. Hyland, A friend of mine purchased a beautiful late 1800s industrial mansion in the piedmont of South Carolina approximately 5 years ago. In July, when she closed on the property, the huge Ca

Transplanting a Blue Spruce

QuestionJim, I read your prior response regarding transplanting small blue spruce trees. I have a blue spruce that is now 8 feet tall that I started from a 4-inch seedling. I want to move it about 20 ft from its cur

2 Oak Trees

QuestionTrees are on each side of a gravel driveway. Fresh gravel was put on the driveway and filled also around the two trees, I am guessing maybe around 4-5 of new gravel. We noticed a couple of weeks later

Globe Willow dropping leaves

QuestionI leave in West Texas and I have a globe Willow in my front yard approximately 8 years old, it had been doing great years before but for some very strange reason this years it seems as if though the tree thi

Gamble oak - red wart like thing on spines of leaves

QuestionI have several Gamble oak on my property and there are these wart like things on the spines of the leaves. The color of these things range from yellow to red. Most of what I see are on the young trees. Matur

Hanging a hammock from LInden Trees

QuestionQUESTION: I have two nice Lindens - probably 20 years old or more - and would like to string a hammock between them. Will the strong hook & eye plus the weight cause damage to the trees. The smaller of

Killing Mesquite Trees with Remedy.

QuestionI want to drill a hole into my Mesquite trees and kill them. I do not want to spray them. How big of a hole should I drill & at what angle. How many CCs of Remedy or other chemical should I put in each hole.

Just planted a tree

QuestionHello Mr. Hyland, I have a question. We just planted a baby Fruitless Mulberry tree yesterday in our yard. I did the necessary steps to transplant the tree. Dug the hole twice as wide and deep as the pot, mi

Silver Maple trunk and main branch splitting

QuestionLive in Raleigh, NC. To inaugurate our new house, 17 years ago, we (the family all together) hand planted a new Silver Maple as the only tree in our front yard. It has grown well and strong just as our famil

weeping cherry willow tree with curled leaves

QuestionI have a dwarf weeping cherry willow tree in my front yard that I planted in March or April. Recently, Ive noticed that the leaves are curling and assumed that I havent been watering it enough. I

web-worms or caterpillars in ornamental cherry tree

QuestionMy mother-in-law has 4-5 webs in her fairly young weeping cherry tree and would like to know 1) best way to rid the tree of the pests; 2) if she needs someone to cut or spray, who to call/trust? Thank

gr ft tree and ants

QuestionQUESTION: Ants climbing up and down my grape fruit tree and crawling inside it and back out. Its an old tree, how old I do not know, but it was full grown when i moved here 22 years ago. If ants not hurt it,

columnar aspen root system

QuestionWe are thinking of planing a columnar aspen in a rock wall bed. It is a good size bed. Just wondering how invasive the root system is. Do they spread far from the tree base or do they grow downwards. Thanks,


QuestionWe are moving in about a month. I have a six year old red Japanese maple that is about 6 tall with a spread of about 5. I love this tree, and would really love to take the tree with me to our new home. We a

increased number of acorns

QuestionI live in Austin, Texas. Have this very large tree in my back yard. This year, starting around the first of August, lots of acorns, many many more from last year, seem smaller in size. The tree i

carpenter ant

QuestionI have an old weeping willow. I saw ant carpenter inside of the trunk. right now there is lots of wood dust on the ground. what is the remedy? can I buy some chemical and do it my self. where can I buy it?

giant oak near house

QuestionA large, beautiful willow oak grows about five feet from our sunporch. The tree is about sixty years old. My husband thinks it needs to come down because he is afraid the roots are going to damag

european ash tree

QuestionMy neighbors mom has a European Ash tree in her yard and we noticed the bark on the tree is peeling off she was wondering if its normal for a tree to do that or if it has a bug in it. AnswerIt is not normal

trees and worms

QuestionWE have had all of our redbud trees covered with bright green fuzzy worm like things this season and do not know what to do about them. HOw do we get rid of them. We have also had bag worms on ou

Uprooted purple plum tree

Question what chances does my large purple plum tree have of surviving after tropical storm toppled it over to the ground. Only about 1/4 of roots were exposed. I immediately called landscaper> was told to cover

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