QuestionQUESTION: This plant was purchased to decorate an employees small office. She gave it a splash of water now and then, then went on vacation kept the office dark noone attended to it. the plant wilted I saw it when she was discarding it. she told me she had it 4 weeks and went away for 1 week so take it: my honey and I cant yet rescue animals but we rescue plants! I imediatly waterd this plant . on a sad note I am used to a plant "revitalising" once waterd. this poor soul did nothing. Another forum instructed me to cut the dead branches off keep it waterd it SHOULD regrow. 3 weeks later well I'll keep at it but I'm getting discouraged and sad! are these a slow growing plant?? The "other" forum annoys me recommending I discard it and buy a new one.if at all by no means YET! Sir or mam how long how many weeks can this pygmie require to regrow please??? SO GRATEFUL, thank you!!!
ANSWER: Hi image would really help, but tug at the center frond...if it holds then there could still be hope,,,but if it pulls out then the heart of the Palm is dead,,,hence the Palm itself. If the center frond holds,,,then spray it down with a Copper Fungicide..and then keep it damp, but not wet and the its simply a waiting game...keep it in an area that gets morning Sun and afternoon shade. Nick
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QUESTION: I'm quite embarased to send the image of it I have, also I definetly need to be taught "terminology" please. I am familiar with branches, leaves.....I'ma bit lost with "fronds" which or what exactly is the "frond" of the palm plant please?? Uhm what IS encouraging is what is left of this "pygmie palm" is quite supple, I imagine if it was DEAD and dry it would snap and break. I can grab whats left and give a judicious pull or shake and it remains together. this being sunday eveninr well yesterday i took to some desicion making. I lifted the palm OUT of its pot WHOOOH what maze of roots and in my judgement a bit out grown not a lot of dirt left I gave the palm a LARGER "bucket like" pot I drilled drainage holes in the bottom
ANSWER: Ok, the fronds on a palm are the actual stems branching off from the main trunk....the center one is the one I wanted you to tug on,,,and by what you tugged several, and they held, so that is good news!..the other good news is that you lifted it from its existing pot..and found it root bound...then repotted it with new soil....good going! spray the crown,,,(the entire leaf system) with a Copper fungicide....and then (as I previously stated..) give it morning Sun and keep the soil on the damp side. Watch the center for new frond growth and keep your fingers crossed. The area below where the fronds emerge from is called the Heart of the Palm...and it is here that will make or break this little fella. Nick
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QUESTION: so far you have been wonderously patient I beg you remain that way we might be nearly done, YES in the new pot I did add an extra amount OF dirt I am quite happy with it. what I know I havent mentioned.... I just thought to mention it here and that "the other forum" ultimatly suggested I cut those ICHY sickly wilted fronds off so the plant will recuperate from the truama its in faster. SO the 3 hearts merely stick out of the dirt within a foot, the old wilted fronds are all gone and I watch all the time for NEW GROWTH
AnswerThats fine....if the old fronds had any green in them at all...they should have been left on..if totally brown then indeed removed; that have effectively done all you can to help this little now its time to sit back and hope for the best....Nick