Bottle palm damage?
QUESTION: Hi Nick, been a while since i contacted you. Thank goodness spring is almost here. My foxtails seem to be doing well. I have started putting them outside during the day. However, my bottle palm doesnt look too good. It just recently opened a new set of fronds. After a few weeks, i noticed ALL fronds didnt look too good. Attatched is a pic. What could have happened? Is it fixable? I did put outside in 40+ temps
ANSWER: It may have shocked if you put it out in 40 degree temps without hardening it first; by this I mean , putting it out for a couple of hours and then moving it back in, then moving it out the next day for a little longer etc. If you just moved it out , and left it there overnight, then this is what could have happened. In any event, spray the heart are with a Copper Fungicide, and then all you can do is wait and see if a new frond emerges.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I dont see any fungus on the tree, what would the fungicide be for? Wow, 1 night out can do that much damage, such a shame, it was a beautiful tree. Thanks again
Answerthe fungicide is a preventative; the palm is stressed and susceptible to fungal problems, the fungicide will prevent this from occuring. the rest is ln the handsj of mother nature. you can keep it properly irrigated and in direct light, but then its a waiting game.