Just broke
QUESTION: We have maybe ten Foxtail palms around the house.
Some of them just brake of.
What wrong with them ? Are they all daing?
How I can save them?
ANSWER: For some reason, crown rot set in and the top collapsed, it could be from the cold Winter we just had, a lot of palms are still succumbing. They shouldn't all die though, it isn't something that is contagious.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Just broke
QUESTION: We live in Key West so here never so cold?
But we got them from Miami more than year ago.
And sins then they just do not look good
Can what be Ganoderma Butt Rot of Palms?
AnswerI wouldn't think it was Ganoderma, you would see a mushroom type looking growth at the base of the Palm; it sounds like they just stressed, (not from cold, because of location..) , probably from the way they were planted, (maybe too deep?) or something in the soil base, but definitely a stress situation. Keep them properly watered, and fertilize 3 times a year and the rest should be fine.