pygmy palm
QUESTION: I have 3 palms too close to foundation(approx 10 ft tall) was told they w only get 5ft also was told o.k to plant next to house, now I have water seeping into bedroom near plants. Is it ok to transplant or just dig up and take the loss
ANSWER: Hi Gloria, I have to question that the date palms are the cause of your seepage, for the roots will go under the slab as soon as they hit it (route of least resistance...); before you have to remove them, (which would really need to be done by a professional.), I would make sure that they are they problem. If they are found to be the problem, then you need to choose whether to pay what it takes to move them or just cut them at soil level, and that will kill them and stop any further growth. Nick
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QUESTION: I agree with you re:seepage I think thats another issue. Do these plant roots go deep and wide or just deep. My gardener seem to think he can remove them (haha) While digging these out can you damage the root if part of it is cut and if so whats the survival rate in your opinion
ANSWER: Because of the proximity to your slab, and the fact that the roots have most certainly extended under said slab, I would say it is going to be a tough transplant; your gardner is going to have to get deep and wide, in order to displace the roots under the slab. If the entire root section can't be salvaged then there is going to be stress and it will manifest itself with stunted fronds for awhile, but I think it will survive. Have him soak the root system prior to digging, this will loosen it up and make it easier.
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QUESTION: Once transplanted do you suggest Vitamin B-12. I have some dirt from a local nursery for transplanting palms, but someone suggested vitamin B-12
AnswerI have never heard of adding B-12 for transplanting or any other application to plants; water them well before lifting and then again after transplanting. Lay down about 2 inches of mulch over them after planting and make sure you plant them at the same exact level they were originally. Water every other day for several weeks , making certain the root system doesn't dry out.