pale green to white le
I have had my money tree, Pachira, for about three months. It is about two feet tall, in a 5 inch pot, and use to sit off to the side in a north east facing window. About a month ago I notice about four leaves blotchy white, so I removed them and thought maybe the window is too much light and removed the plant to a shaded location. When I did this I found some leaves with chew marks, couldn't find any bugs though, and all the leaves are a blotchy pale green and starting to become white. I have probably watered the plant twice since I've had it allowing dirt to get completely dry, my first money tree I killed because I over watered. I have no clue what抯 wrong. Please help thank you.
AnswerHi Jen, Pachira likes to be in a dappled shady area, with indirect light, direct Sun will definitely burn the leaves, (the image I think is indicitive of that..); keep the soil from completely drying out, and spray the leaves frequently between waterings to give it the humid conditions that it needs. I am at a loss to the "chew marks" for being inside it is protected from slugs, which would be the only pest that may bother it. I would say to keep it away from direct light and keep it moist with a weekly fertilizing of half strength soluble, like Miracle-Grow or Peters. Change the soil to a cactus type soil, for they like a sandy mix also. Nick