Can you please tell me what's wrong with my Hoya? And what type it is? It grows many many buds but most of them wither and fall off before they bloom. The buds started in my living room over the winter with a northern exposure through a curtain. Then in the spring I moved it to my sun-room since the living room doesn't get any sun in the spring. Could the sun-room with a southern exposure be to sunny? I thought Hoyas liked sun. I water it when the soil dries out. Which is about once a week in the hot sun-room. Thank you.
AnswerIt looks like Hoya Bella, but without the blooms being opened its hard to tell, the plant likes some direct Sun, but I think its probably getting too much and is stressing somewhat from it; the flowers not opening is a sign. Your watering schedule sounds good, they should be watered when the top couple of inches dry out. Nick