QuestionI'm sure this is the palm I have. It's about 8 months old but is December (cold) here and lately, all the fronds have turned brown on the ends. Is there a way to fix this? I have tried different watering methods but am having no luck. Thank you for your help. I live in Canada and the moisture in the house may not be wet enough?
AnswerHi Jan, your right on track with the "house not being humid enough", they like a tropical, humid atmosphere and the browning fronds is a sign of this not happening; do not try to compensate by watering it, this will only lead to more problems, you will need to mist the fronds daily now or run a humidifier on the plant. Another good way of providing humidity is grouping your plants together, they will act in a symbiotic manner by humidifying each other, but if you don't have numerous plants, then misting is the only way. Nick