QuestionI Live in Florida where its been raining allot for the past few weeks. I have 2 night blooming jasmine plants 1 out front and 1 out back of my house the one out back has white stuff on the branches kind of smells like mold when i walk near it. can you tell me what it is and how do i get rid of that before it kills my plant?
AnswerHi Nkki,its either scale or mealy bugs...same cure for both is either an insecticidal soap or horticultural oil, there are numerous brands; go to your local Home Depot or Lowes and ask them in the garden section for Ultra-Fine oil spray or Organocide, or any of the Insecticidal soaps available. Scale, Mealy bugs, Aphids and mites are common pest that infest our plants here in Florida, and if treated early can be easily eradicated with these products, but if left untreated can spin out of control and reduce our beautiful plants to ruins quickly, so get after them Nkki and your Jamines problems will be solved...Nick:)