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help with my baby banana plants

QUESTION: i bought some baby banana plants from a nursery that cami in a box the roots was wrapped in plastic. i put them in some miracle  grow soil, however the plants had terrible black spots on stem and leaves so i was upset and cut the whole stem down to 2 inches a new sprout is coming through . i planted outside in yard with good draining potting soil . my question is did i ruin the plant doing this? how deep do i place the baby banana plant in the ground          / i live in zone 9 paradise california the weather has been nice the last few weeks. [lease help i bought 11 of them basjoo

ANSWER: Hi Mahir, don't be concerned, they will be fine, bananas look pretty bad when shipped via mail, but they are very resilient, just don't water them too much as babies, later when they are established, give them lotsa water! and lotsa fertilizer. Mulch them well so the soil doesn't dry out to quickly and they will be fine. Nick

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks nick for your answeri am so glad to know that i did not ruin them,however you forgot to tell me how deep do i put them in the ground, do i barely cover the roots or plant deeper thanks so much for responding as fast as you did , do i fertilize them now or use miracle grow, i recently added a tespoon of epsom salt

Hi again!....sorry, plant them right where the pseudostem meets the roots and then mulch them about an inch higher; no Epsom salts needed, for their first 6 months, every other watering use a soluble like peters or miracle grow at half strength, at 6 months start with the granular, 10-10-10 or 6-6-6 will be fine, but keep the miracle grow once a month at full strength in addition. It will take about 12 months of frost free temps to get your first fruit and when that happens let me know and I will walk you through the procedure for ripening, I just don't want to hit you with too much right now, but check back whenever you want for more info,,,bananas happen to be my forte......Nick:)

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