Questioni have just received a canela plant that is in very bad shape. it seems to be
dying from the top down. I immedity checked the soil for moisture and
watered it. It is now sitting in my very steamy bathroom. I am unsure what to
do. repot it? chop the top of that appears to be dying? any advice would be
greatly appreicated.
AnswerHi Jen, I have a Canela growing in a pot and its leaves will frequently turn brownish and fall off, but new growth is continually developing from the top; they are a low light plant and I had to (through trial and error) move mine progressively into a shadier area before it started becoming a little "happier". If its leaf drop you are alluding to when you say "dying from the top down", then try moving it into a shadier area and don't overwater it in this state, let it dry out somewhat. regards Nick