QuestionI have a plant with fuzzy leaves, like a violet, with dark graining and bright red tube-like flowers. I have always known it as a chocolate soldier plant, however my children re-named it a lipstick plant because when the flowers form they look like a tube of lipstick. It grows easily, is propagated by shoots that can be placed in soil without pre-rooting. It does not like to get it's leaves wet.
Can you tell me what this plant is and any additional info you may have about it?
AnswerThat is a Geseneraid called an Episcia. THey are a wonderful plant. If it is blooming and growing for you you are doing it all right. Just be careful to not fertlize with a fertlizer that has urea in it. This will burn the plants roots. The shoots that come off of it can be snipped off and planted as new plants in the soil. Here are a couple of links that will help you with this little plant. There are many more out there.