could you please provide me with the scientific names and family names of the following plants?
a) custard apple (native to Malaysia, I think)
b) avocado
Thanks a million
p.s- I need the infomation urgently!
AnswerDear May Yin, The custard apple, at first I thought you were talking about atemoyas or cherimoyas, which are native to the South Americas. Didn't find the family name on that, but cherimoya is Annona cherimole. But you are probably talking about the Malay apple, which is Eugenia malaccensis, and is in the family Myrtaceae. The avocado, is Persea americana, and is in the laurel family Lauraceae. I hope this is what you needed. I would have written you sooner, but my phone wouldn't let me get on the internet. Melissa