QuestionI bought an indoor tropical plant about a week ago. At first it seemed to be in perfect health, I repotted it in a slightly larger pot with adequate drainage, added a little fertilizer, dont think I water it
Majesty Palm tree(Ravenea rivularis)
QuestionMy husband bought me this palm tree to plant in our yard. We live in Lexington, South Carolina. Can it be planted outside like we were told it could? How big does the root system get? We were pla
Questionhello...have a fan palm...most of the large leaves on all brown on the tips about 4 to 5 inches up the pointed part of the fan. it is in a corner and does not get direct light. i use a plant fer
QuestionI just purchased a zebra plant to keep indoors. The flowers have brown edges and look like they need trimming. Since this is a new plant to me Im not sure of the care. I mainly need to know how to cut
QuestionI purchased several majesty palms to use as patio palms in containers. All had roots growing out the bottom of the pot. I repotted using commercial soil and slightly loosened the roots. Now
QuestionMy Lakeview Jasmine tree has small, red, fruit like berries. Are these seeds that can be sown and planted. And, if so, how do I accomplish that. If not, how do I propagate the plant from cuttings
QuestionWe have 15 queen palms throughout our front and back yard. A few of them we have noticed small brown spots on the leafs and on one or two of them we have noticed white/silver stuff on the skeleton of the pal
QuestionHi there! I have a hibiscus plant in a large pot that I brought in for the winter. Should I cut it back this spring and if so how far back? Thanks, Rhonda in GA AnswerHi Rhonda, Hibi
QuestionI am having trouble with the blooms on my Bird of Paradise. It seems that when they start to blossom they have been attacked by I assume bugs. What can I do to stop this. I have quite a few
QuestionHello, I planted a number of hibiscus bushes last spring. However, I am afraid with the unusually cold winter here this year they all froze. Is there a heartier,more freeze resistant type of hibi
QuestionQUESTION: my 2ye old boganvillia plant has started getting new leas and had some new flowers but before they mature they look as if the leaves and blooms are burnt and die
bottle palm, browning and yellow leaves
Questioni have a bottle palm that i planted about a year ago and some of its leaves have brown and yellow edges. is this normal? when and how often should i fertilize? and what kind of fertilizer? thank you. Answer
QuestionI bought a baby queen palm and noticed that no instructions for re-potting came with it.I want to do it right the first time, so if you could help me out with this, that would be great...thank you AnswerHi
QuestionI have one of them small palm tree in the house and I had it for about 2 years, it was fine till I started forgetting about it and not watering it at all. There were times where he didnt receive water
Foxtail palm yellow and brown fronds
QuestionHi Nick, I have 3 foxtails-my favorite-and 2 are doing great and growing fast. The smallest is looking bad all of a sudden. The newer fronds are yellowish and brown and the new spike is very small but
QuestionI recently purchased a small blue java (about 4ft). Is there any way I can keep this plant fairly small (less than 10 ft) so I can keep it inside my house? Thanks so much! AnswerHi Amanda, this is known as
QuestionQUESTION: It looks like something is eating the leaves on my outdoor bannana trees. What is the best insecticide for them. ANSWER: Hi Chris, nothing usually bothers Bananas, what does the damage look
QuestionI have a palm, not sure what kind. I believe it has started to die. I have been trimming away all the dead brown parts. Is that good to do. What can I do to revive the plant we water it once a week and mist
tropical plants for shady beach areas
QuestionHi we have a shady spot along a north facing wall in a coastal area on the Tropic of Cancer. need suggestions on a colorful plant to put there. We have drip irigation AnswerHi Carol, I would put in a mass p
QuestionWe planted 5 new royal palms about 2 weeks ago and were told to water them 30 min per day, which we do. We have well drained sandy type soil. One by one they are turning brown and appear to be dy
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