Violet 1
QUESTION: Hello, I bought a violet from Publix a few nights ago, and now the blooms are dying. Here's some backgroun info: I make sure to water it with warm water, I'm not quite sure where to set it, so I leave in on my counter with the light from over the stove on so it gets some form of light when I'm not home. I think I might have overwatered it because the plant feels heavier than it should. So I'm not going to water it for a few days. The problem: some of the blooms are pretty and producing pollen while other are dying and wilting away... please help! And other tips for their general care will be much appreciated becausethis is my first violet, and I'm not quite sure of how to nuture it. Thanks!
ANSWER: Kristen,
The plant is not actually dying, the blooms are just fading. I think they're fading early because you have not put the plant into bright light. They have to get bright light from the sun, but it also must not be DIRECT sunlight. Put it behind a sheer curtain, or this time of year an east facing window would be fine. That's where I keep mine. Also, don't worry about watering too much. If the plant has drainage holes in the pot, you can't over-water. People will disagree with me on that, but violets love to be WARM, MOIST and TO HAVE LIGHT. They are particular, and demanding, but are a good hobby. Be sure to pinch off the dying blooms because then the plant will direct its energy back into hopefully making more blooms. Remember, all violets go through a period of blooming and then a period of resting, so if your violet survives a long time, and I hope it will, you will see it go through many cycles.
I have a website with basic violet care that might help you since this is your first. Click or go here:
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks so much! I've read that I should change the soil to potting soil especially for violets and that I should fertilize each time that I water it. Is the true? If so what products do you recommend. Thanks again!
AnswerThere are some good fertilizers on the market. Optimara is a good one available online. I think Shultz makes another one you can purchase at garden centers. You should fertilize half strength every time you water, but DO NOT fertilize between October and March, when the plants are considered in dormancy, (even though they're really not dormant, nature makes them "rest" during the winter months). Hope that makes sense. as for soil, you can purchase African Violet soil or make your own from a mixture of peat moss, potting soil and vermiculite added in to make the soil light. Personally, I think its cheaper to buy the soil already made up for violets.