white spots on violet
QUESTION: Please help me id and rx the problem pictured below.The plants are dying, looks like root rot but I only bottom water when the moister meter says dry. Many thanks, Ellen
ANSWER: Ellen,
unfortunately, it does look like root rot. Do you use a self-watering pot? The rest of the leaves look pretty healthy. Just make babies out of your plant. I would suggest that you take cuttings from the healthier looking leaves and make root cuttings out of them. Place them in some soil with at least 50% perlite, and keep very moist. You can even put a little plastic bag over them to improve humidity. It will take about 4-6 weeks and your leaves should form rootlets. Wait to actually pot them up until you have a good formation of healthy looking white roots. Be patient; it can take months to have even a small plant. Or, you can discard your entire plant and buy a new one. Depends on how much work you want to do! I have had this happen to me, and it is heartbreaking.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Dear Expert, Thanks much for your prompt reply. I agree that root rot is present. Can you see the white "fuzz" on the stems that is also present? I am wondering if this could be a fungus or mealy bugs? Could this be the cause of the root rot? Many thanks, Ellen
I sent you an answer previously, but to address the fungal question: If you see no movement, even with a magnifying glass, then it is probably a fungus. I would have to look up the answer to this one. Actually, experts suggest that you discard fungus-infected violets. I hate to say that, but that's probably what someone at would say. Anyway, refer to my other response which I just sent, as well.