QuestionI have been growing African Violets for many years and have just discovered a leaf issue. They have the light color on the edges and then the inside area looks like mealy bugs. I have never seen them before on African Violets. How can I take care of this? I have been propegating them using the leaf method for several months and the Violets have homes all over my building at work Will this affact the ones I have started already? I have isolated them from the others.
You were smart to isolate the unaffected plants. Mealy bugs are very soft-bodied insects which you can easily crush with your fingers. You can also use q-tips with alcohol to kill them on foliage. The bugs do spread very easily from plant to plant. Here is a link to a page that might help you further:
If for some reason you cannot get this page, let me know and I'll copy and paste it.