QuestionDoes cranes and frogs it koi and gold fish how do i get rid of them.
AnswerWhere do you live? Cranes are pretty rare at least in the USA. They can eat fish. I think maybe you are thinking of herons which are very good at eating fish. Larger frogs like bullfrogs can also eat fish.
You can't get rid of herons (harming them is illegal in the US at least) but you can deter them. See for more details and how to thwart them. I keep a net over my 1800 gallon pond all year to keep the herons out.
What kinds of frogs are you worried about? It's mostly bullfrogs who may eat goldfish. How big is your pond? If you have enough fish, losing a few to bullfrogs won't be a big deal. Predation is part of a natural pond. It's sad when I find out I've lost a fish, frog, snail, etc. due to predators (mostly herons, raccoons, cats, etc. here) but I've come to accept that it's natural and keeps the pond animals from overpopulation. My page on frogs is at and includes a page on deterring them at
Good luck!