QuestionI have asmall, whiskey barrel size, above ground pond in SE New Mexico. We have very hot summers. I bought hardy water lilies thinking that they would survive our mild winters without having to bring them inside. They don't bloom in the summer. Do I need tropical water lilies? Is it too late to plant them?
AnswerHardy water lilies don't do well when it's really hot. You might indeed try a tropical water lily. It's not too late in the year. If your pond water goes below about 50 degrees F, you can overwinter the tropical lily inside (see ). Lilies need good-sized pots and fertilizer to bloom well. How large a pot are you using? I'm assuming it's small due to the whiskey barrel's being small. What is it potted in? Do you fertilize? You'll want to pick varieties that stay small. If it makes you feel any better, my lilies (both hardies and tropicals) are hardly blooming this year myself even with 5 gallon pots, repottings, fertilizer, and everything else they need! Good luck!