QuestionIs it possible to grow Rhubarb in a pot? It would not be practical to plant in the soil as we only have a small sunny garden.
AnswerHi Chris,
Thanx for your question. I'm reluctant to tell anyone what they cznnot do. What I will tell you is, planting a rhubarb plant in a pot presents a number of challenges, however. The pot would have to be quite large, as though you were planting a small, ornamental tree, like something you would move indoors for the winter. Rhubarb has a large, extensive and fleshy root system. The plant can get quite large, as you probably may already know. I would go ahead and try it. I would only put one plant however, in one pot. Make sure the pot is deep.Maybe 45cm/18" deep? Same for the width. Plants in pots need to be watered more often, need frequent applications of well composted manure or some kind of organic fertilizer, and need to be free draining so the roots don't sit in a pool of muddy water which will cause rot. I hope this helps.