QuestionMy grandparents have a white oak in their yard.
About 2 months ago I collected a handful of acorns that I found on the ground.
I have kept them in a plastic bag outside.
I checked them today, and every one of them have little rooty sprout things coming out of the tops of them!
I am determined to grow me some oak trees! While it may be 50 years before mine are as big as my grandparents' tree I am determined.
So now that my acorns have sprouts, what do I do now? Do I need to soak them in water? Should I plant them? Should I just keep them in the bag outside?
oh I forgot to say I live in Alabama
Thanks :)
AnswerHi Desirai,
Thanx for your question. You can plant the acorns in separate pots and keep them in an unheated shed or cellar. You don't want to run the risk of freezing the seedlings but an heated shed or cellar in Alabama should be protection enough until next spring. Next spring, place the pots outdoors in the sun. Be sure to water the pots regularly beginning now and make sure they drain properly so the soil doesn't become waterlogged and rot the seedlings. I hope this helps.