QuestionI have a rather large bunch of Carnations that my husband got for me. I really want to replant them but I don't get what is meant by "pinching"? Also is there a place I can go to to get a step by step of regrowing them from cuttings? I really don't want to mess this up.
AnswerHi Ana,
Thanx for your question. If your husband gave you a bouquet of cut carnations, you will not be able to replant them. If he gave you a pot of carnations, you can plant these outdoors after the last frost. Most florist grade carnations will not be hardy below USDA Zone 8. Pinching means pinching off the spent blossoms. A similar term is called deadheading (taking off the dead flowers). Pinching sometimes encourages a plant to rebloom. When we talk of growing a plant from cuttings it does not mean from cut flowers. What it means is from cut vegetative growth such as new shoots or from new, flowerless stems or branches. Here is a link that explains cuttings from carnations. I hope this helps.