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Obtaning seeds from a grass

Hello Mr. Alonzo, I have Oriental fountain grass in small patches around the front house. I want to expand the grass so I don't have any "bald spots". The grass right now has these nice "fox Tails" at the top and some are really gold. How do I get the seeds out of those "foxtails"?
Thank you!

Hi Jimmie,
Thanx for your question.  If the grass is a hybrid, you don't want to try to collect seeds because hybrid seeds will not produce plants that resemble the parents and rarely produce anything but an inferior plant.  If it is a hybrid, you can dig the plant up in the fall and divide it (separate it into several different small clumps as long as they have a golf-ball sized root clump.).  Now, if it's a non-hybrid, you can gather the seeds when the seedheads ripen in the fall.  Usually, by late September or October, the seeds will be ripe.  They should turn a golden or silvery color and there should be no green in them.  Save them in a glass jar or ziplock bag and keep them in a dark, dry, cool place until you're ready to plant next year.  I hope this helps.

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