QuestionI planted Simplon and Siberia in pots(in end of mMay ...winter in Australia) for my sons wedding on 26 Jan. The flower buds appear green/white and are no longer tight. How can I get them to flower in 5 days. daytime temp is now about 22 degrees C(it has been much hotter and Simplon flowered about 10-18th Jan.) I have a green house (unheated) Should I bring them into the sunroom and turn on the heating?
AnswerHi Bizz,
Thanx for your question. I know this isn't going to help but the key is sunlight and heat and I'm not an expert on forcing flowering. What I know about forcing is heat and light, that's it. I'm sorry. I'm not a florist, I'm just a simple flower enthusiast. God bless your son and daugher-in-law to be.