QuestionI was wondering what the seed pods for this plant look like and whens the best time to plant the seeds.
AnswerHi Casey,
Thanx for your question. Unfortunately, I have never had my corn plant go to seed. I had a plant for many years that I received after my father passed away in 1987. The plant lived in my house for 10 years or more. It never bloomed. However, I am told that blooms appear as purple or white puff balls extended from the main plant on single stringy growths. My research also tells me that once the seeds are harvested (let the pods go dry) the seeds take 30-180 days to germinate. Keep the growing medium warm and watered but not soggy. Expose the seeds to light. That is, press the seeds into the soil and do not cover. I've never tried this myself but a lot of it makes sense in my experience. I would be interested in knowing your results. I hope this helps.