QuestionGreetings Mike!
I found your string on propagating lavender plants and the information was very useful. I have recently located to Greenwood, SC and I have a lovely lavender plant, I don't know if it is English or Russian. I want to propagate as soon as possible, I am not certain if I have to wait until spring. Are you able to advise me on this limited information? Your assistance is highly appreciated!
Serenity Dilsworth
AnswerYou can propagate at any time. However, since you would be starting very early, you would need to provide the plant with adequate light over the winter months. This can be accomplished with fluorescent lighting or by placing the plant in an east window.
Once spring arrives, make sure you acclimate the plant slowly to outdoor conditions before transplanting. This usually entails a gradual exposure to the sunlight and different temperatures. I normally place plants grown indoors in a protected area such as on a porch for a few hours each day for the first 2-3 days. On day 4, I move it out to a semi-shady area for 6-8 hours, and bring it back in overnight. Then on day 6, I move it out to full sun. This process protects the plant from sunscald and wind.
I hope this answered your question. Please write again if I can ever be of assistance.