QuestionQUESTION: I also like growing plants from seed . That is how I got my two Coral Trees . I picked the bean pods off a small tree,in the city where I live , planted them and away they went.
That was about fifteen years ago .Neither of my two small Coral Trees has produced any seed.
I also note that another (unrelated ) coral tree in the neighbourhood has never produced seed pods .
Any ideas ?
Thanx for your question. What is you location and your climatic conditions?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Tom , I live in the city of Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand.
Our climate is summed up on the following website :-
I hope you can take a look at it...
AnswerHi Ray,
Thanx for the followup. The coral tree is native to Brazil and other tropical areas. Although it does not appear to freeze in your area, the climate appears to be quite cool for the tree. It may bloom but it may not be warm enough for seedpods to form unless you have an unusually long warm period. That's as near as I can get to an answer other than there may not be a pollinator. You might want to stop by your local nursery and talk to the nursery operators about your problem. I'm sorry I couldn't be of much more help. Do you have an agricultural extension service agent in your area? They can be of assistance with local problems. I hope this helps.