QuestionI'm looking for some info on bearded irises. namly the greenhouse propagation end of them. could you direct me to any helpful sources? I have a plant propagation text, a greenhouse text, but that only has info on forcing. I also have the ball red book. in the future I'll have another report to write, so I'm looking for good resource materials. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. lisa
AnswerHi Lisa,
Thanx for your question. Try these two books, Iris by Fritz Kohlein and Iris: The Classic Bearded Varieties by Claire Austin. There is another Iris book by a German fellow that is available in most public libraries. Unfortunately, I cannot think of the title or Author but it is an excellent resource for the scientific end of cultivating Irises. I'm sorry I cannot remember the name but suggest you visit the public library and I'll bet you'll find it. I hope this helps.