Questionmy neighbour has grapevine and it is growing through the fence all over our side. I dont mind it however, I would like to grow it elsewhere in my backyard and since it is so abundant I didnt know if I
QuestionI was in a nursery yesterday and saw Wilt-Pruf for the first time. I read the package and did a little research on the Internet, but couldnt find anything about using it in propogation. Do you kn
QuestionCan you make a start plant from a cutting of a Japanese Maple? If so what is the best prcedure. If this is not your ares of expertise, would it possible for you to direct me in the right direction. Thanks fo
QuestionI have several geraniums and would like to create others from these plants what is the easiest and best method of doing this? AnswerBob, Cuttings by far is the easiest method. Take stem cuttings ab
propagation of shrubs and rose of sharon bush
QuestionHi Tom! Just wondering if you have ever propagated cuttings from either Rose of Sharon Bush vine cuttings or arbovitae bushes. Is it possible to propagate either from existing vines and bushes?  
QuestionCan you please pass on any tips for seed propogation for shrimp plant as a friend of mine collected some on holiday . many thanks AnswerHi Gina, Thanx for your question. The shrimp plant is a tropical
Planting Wild Persimmon seeds.
QuestionI have a large Wild Persimmon tree that is now dropping fruit. Last season I gathered some of the fruit, removed the seeds and cleaned them. I planted them in April, however, none of them sproute
QuestionI gathered some seeds from some beautiful day lillies. How do I go about getting them from seed to bloom? AnswerHi Christy, Thanx for your question. Take the black seeds and place them inside a damp p
QuestionHi Tom, I took 4 seeds from a golden delicous apple and planted them. Something came up (also some clover) and I was hoping it was an apple tree. Then 3 more came up one by one. I have now
Questionhello your reply indicates that you have already answered this question. however, i have only two pieces of correspondance, neither of which contain an answer to this question. i may have
QuestionTom, What would be the proper procedure for extracting seeds from the fruit of the blueberry bush? I am interested in trying to start some plants from seed. Thank you.
using seeds direct from fruit/veggie...
Questionhi. and thanks for your time in advance. i would like to use seeds direct from green/red bell peppers and also apples. and would plant them next season. could you please tyell me what to do to prepare these
Heritage apple propagation by seed
QuestionHi Gary, My sister moved this spring onto land that has an ancient apple tree on it about 30 feet high and with a trunk at least 5 feet across. When I first saw it I couldnt believe it was an apple tree, bu
Moving a split-leaf philodendron
QuestionMike, I live on Galveston Island, TX. My wife planted a split-leaf philodendron under our deck and it is so big, I would like to move out into the open. It is about 5 feet high, probably 6 feet across and ha
QuestionMy question is simply this, is there any certain direction that the seed should be planted so that its journey into this world might be easier? AnswerIt makes absolutely no difference. Mother nature h
Question-Thank you Tom: Perhaps I should tell you that we live in the Washington D.C. area, if that makes any difference to surviving the winter. Does the fact that the small new little green leaves are
QuestionIve got some seeds from a Paperbark Maple (Acer Griseum) that I want to plant. What do I need to do to get them to germinate? Refrigerate for a while? Plant on top of the soil? Thank you. AnswerHi Diane,
QuestionI am doing a science fair project. My project is what color of light causes sunflower seeds to grow best? I need to have some research on the growth of sunflower seeds, and I was wondering if you could help
QuestionI planted grass for the first time about a month ago and it looks beautiful except for some weed spots. I know one of the weeds is crabgrass and the other one my neighbor refers to as pig weed. I think
QuestionThat is, I think its a succulent and of course I no longer have the tag with its name on it. It grows on the lanai (SW Florida), gets late day sunshine, needs very little water, has more than trebled its siz
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