QuestionRecently I have transplanted moonbeams and some rose of sharon trees. My problem is the only source of soil is oily sand which the house was built upon. The entire neighborhood is the same. Is there something I can do to keep these plants alive. Little to no water is getting down to the roots. Purchasing and redoing with soil is much out of the question. Today is Sept. 2009
Thanks in advance
AnswerHi Cynthia, When you plant, mix at least 1/3 ground pine bark with your soil. We want to incorporate some coarse organic matter to improve your air/water movement, root development and help your microbes. Look for a product from ferti-lome called Aque-Duct. It's basically a soil detergent that will help water penetrate your soil. You'll have to go to an independent garden center to find it, it's not sold through any chain stores. Spray the root zone around your plants a couple of times a year and you'll see a significant difference in water absorption. Jim