QuestionI live in central Florida. I have a 50 lb. bag of lawn and garden lime which I bought several years ago ,on a friends advice to green up my grass. when I applied it, it seemed to burn the grass(St Augustine). I don't have a clue to it's Ph . I been thinking of spreading it on the golf course behind me ( which is brown from lack or fert. and H20. Our ground is basicly sandy. What should I do with this Lime?? I now have a lawn service who takes care of the lawn every 6 weeks.
AnswerHi Ed, Lime should only be applied if needed. Most independent garden centers will usually check your pH for free. If you need it, apply it to your lawn. Garden lime should not "burn" grass. Hydrated lime might if not watered in immediately.
I'd just give it to the groundskeeper at the golf course and let him use it if you don't. Jim