QUESTION: I have 7 gardenias that were in South Carolina red clay, after finding out that doesn't work I tilled in some manure and soil conditioner (from Home Depot). 6 of them are green (no yellow leaves) but when they bloom within a couple of days the flower starts wilting. The one that's not doing so well is puny and has yellow leaves. I have checked the soil and its between 5.3 and 7. Please give me some advice! Thanks
ANSWER: Hi Spencer, A pH of 5.5 is ideal, 7 is too high. Use a little aluminum or iron sulfate to lower it. Clay is good, it just needs to be loosened and a little organic matter added to it. Don't over improve the soil and create a clay bowl with loose soil inside. You will root rot gardenias. Most often, water is the cause of death. Plant them high and water carefully.
Gardenia flowers only last a couple of days. They are usually white for a day or two, then yellow for a day, then fade. Jim
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the help, you mentioned planting them high and I have them planted in a bowl about 4 to 6 inches below the surface could that be a problem?
AnswerYes it could. The top of the rootball should be at least 1" above your soil line. In times of excessive moisture, gravity pulls water down to the soil line and allows air to the rootzone. Plants that are at or below your soil line can be easily over-watered. Jim