QuestionQUESTION: I've heard that the Naturize patent has been sold. Does anyone know if this wonderful product will be marketed again -- possibly under another name? My plants are Naturize junkies, and nothing else works as well.
ANSWER: Hi Nancy, Here's a phone number for Naturize Biosciences in Jacksonville, FL. Give them a call to check on the status. 904-996-7700
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QUESTION: Number has been disconnected. Where do we go from here?
ANSWER: Look for a product by Espoma called Bio-Tone Plus. It's not cheap, but I think you'll be pleased with the results.
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QUESTION: Bio-Tone Plus isn't a substitute for Naturize! Any ideas how to find out what happened to Naturize? Who bought patent, is it being remarketed, etc.?
AnswerNancy, Like you, I find no further information on Naturize. In my opinion, Bio-tone Plus is indeed a substitute for Naturize and may well give you better results. It contains 15 specie of beneficial bacteria and 10 specie of beneficial fungi with "organic" plant food. Plants cannot absorb organic nitrogen, the molecule is much too large. It has to be broken down by the microbes into inorganic nitrogen the plant can absorb. Don't let them see the label and there is no reason your results would not be at least equal to Naturize, unless you make them so. Jim