QuestionQUESTION: We live in northest PA. My plot is now a weed infested lawn. I want to plant an
organic vegetable garden and am willing to begin composting. We also have
some hedge and tree roots to deal with. Where do I start?
ANSWER: Hi Kat, There's no easy way to deal with the hedge and roots. Cut them down and dig them out. Once done, I'd tarp the area with black plastic for 90 days to kill off the grass and weeds. Then remove the plastic, check your pH and adjust it to 6.5 and till it thoroughly. Then plant annual ryegrass on it for a green manure to be tilled under next spring when you are ready to plant.
In the meantime, start you compost pile with your grass clippings, collect the neighbors leaves and in the spring, spread 3-4" of compost over the garden and then till it in.
Then you are ready to plant. Jim
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi, Jim...was wondering about which veggies to plant first. Is it possible to give a
short list? I need to know how much space is needed and which veggies need
full sun. We have more area that gets only 1/2 day, then shade. Kat
AnswerHi again, vegetables need 8-10 hours of direct sun. A few may survive in less, but production is poor. Which veggies and when depends on your ground temps and frost date, so I'm going to suggest you find a local independent nurseryman that is more familiar with your area. He can design you a garden plan that staggers your harvest and varieties so you can have something to eat almost all season. Jim