QuestionI have a gajillion rocks in my yard. I spend time picking rocks instead of weeds. Is there any equipment or a device on a homeowner scale that will remove rocks from soil? When I was a kid, my dad made a wooden frame and attached 1/2" screen wire to it, placed it atop of two saw horses and then shovled dirt containing rocks into it. One would have to bounce the frame up and down or run a bow rake over the wire to break up clods to seperate dirt from rocks. While this method works it is time consuming, especially when you have a large area to do. I live next to an abandoned sand /rock quarry... Grrrr!
AnswerHi David, I suspect that if you had someone scrape your yard with a box blade, you would just find more rocks, so the easiest (not the cheapest) is to bring in new soil and have it spread about 4" deep. Or...
Are there 10 kids in the neighborhood? Have a little contest. $25.00 to the kid who can fill the most 5 gallon buckets in an hour, $15.00 to second place, $5.00 to the rest. Not a bad $80.00 investment! Or...
My choice would be to rethink the landscape plan. Shrink the turf (that you have to mow) to as little as possible. Develop a garden with shrubs, perennials, trees and pathways that are low maintenance. Then you just have to remove the rocks where you walk or play.
There is no quick fix...unless you move! Jim